FireARMadillos instructors are dedicated to their community, involving themselves in outreach programs and volunteer work regularly. Within the ranks of FireARMadillo, we promote respect, safety, and the drive to achieve greatness for ourselves and our country.
James Jansen
FireARMadillo™ was founded by James P. Jansen. James was born and raised in Montreal, Canada where he served in the Canadian Army Reserves. As a former reserve, husband, and father, James believes in the importance of providing a safe home for his family and wants to share his passion for the 2nd amendment with his clients.
Ronnie Bowerman
FireARMadillo™ instructor, certified under the guidance of the USCCA. A U.S Army Infantry veteran from 2002-2006. Air assault, combat life saver, eagle first responder, radio telecommunications operater, combat infantry badge, expert in the M4, M249, M240B and M9 platforms with two combat tours under his belt. Ronnie has a commitment to safety and excellence.
Michael Conner
Michael Conner is an instructor for FireARMadillo™ and comes from a military background as well. Focusing on medical skills for most of his civillian career, Michael spent his time in the U.S. Army as a Signal Systems Technition running radios with combat units. After a lifetime of dedication to combative arts and the skills surrounding them, being an instructor came very naturally.